When I was watching the Goober, I kinda got used to having a little of my own money. Well, she is now in daycare, and I have been missing the "dough" (pun intended:) My neighbor asked me to make him some bread, and my husband said,,,, yet again,,,,,, "why don't you go into business and sell your bread?" And instead of once again brushing the idea off, I thought,,,, hmmmm,,,, why don't I? I mean, I have been baking most of our bread for years, and I have gotten really quite good at it. And, we can't be the only people who are dissatisfied with the "bread" they pawn off in supermarkets, I mean that stuff is hardly even food! So on a whim, I made a face book group and added some of my relatives and closest friends who I thought would be interested in homemade bread. The group descriptions says,
" I have a feeling, in these times of "reconnecting" with our food, that more people wish they had the time to make something as simple as bread. After all, that fluffy, chemically laden stuff on the supermarket shelves is hardly even food. Even the whole grain kinds have ingredients your grandma and great grandma would never have even heard of, let alone put in thier bread! I have been making all of our bread for years now, and (not to toot my own horn) have gotten pretty good at it! I can make a delicious loaf of bread, just like grandma's, from only 5 ingredients! Nothing fancy, just real, honest, and simple bread. The kind you would make for your family if you had time! So why not let me do it for you! 1st loaf is free, and after that $2.50 a loaf and free weekly delivery! This is less than you would pay for a CHEEP loaf of bread from the store! Give it a try, you wont be sorry!"
Within the first 24 hours TEN loaves had been ordered by five of the ten people in the group! I am actually really excited! I hope I can get orders for about 50 loaves a week, that will be a doable number, and give the some $ for Christmas!
So, since I have been up since before sunrise filling the first two orders, I think I am going to go take a nap! Pleasant weekend everyone!