Wednesday, October 19, 2011


     Well, its a dull grey day today, isn't it? Brrrrr, with the temps outside barely reaching into the 50's, and a slow drippy rain falling, its the kind of day made for curling up on the sofa with mug after mug of tea and a warm homemade blanket. If only! There's a sink of dirty dishes that's giving me dirty looks from the kitchen, and a fuzzy carpet with little black fur balls all over it, thanks to my littlest kitty. So, chores to be done before quality time with the old couch!
     It is my favorite time of year really, I prefer a chill in the air to sweat dripping in my eyes. I am glad the year is turning, and I am really looking forward to thanksgiving and Christmas that are rolling our way. I really hope to finish the afghan four our bed soon, so I can start on a few Christmas gifts,,, though I really have no idea what I'll be making this year.
     So, I guess I should get started on the dishes, and think about what to make for dinner, stay warm!


  1. It really has cooled off! I love this time of year. :)


  2. Ah, this could have been me on Wednesday, too. :) I love this time of year, it is my favorite (except for the disppearing light at the end of the day... DONT like that. :( ). I too would love to spend more time cuddled up with tea and a good book (or even a good movie!) but alas and alack this house just seems to not stay clean for me! :) I do manage to find a quiet moment or two here or there, gotta rest some time, but I hear you- those dishes do call out to us, eh? :)
